Get Ready for Summer: Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

With the arrival of spring, the quest to lose the extra pounds gained during the pandemic started. So, how can you get rid of excess weight in the healthiest way in the spring season? Nutrition and Diet Specialist Dilan Eker talked about ways to get rid of excess weight in the spring and passed on valuable warnings and suggestions.

Drink at least 1.5 litres of water daily

Do not forget to consume 30 ml of water per kilo per day, at least 1.5 litres of water.

Eat plenty of seasonal vegetables

Thanks to their antioxidant compounds and high fibre and water content, vegetables are essential nutrients in weight control.

Get enough protein

Consume protein-rich foods such as meat, chicken, turkey, fish, legumes, eggs, yoghurt, kefir, and foods that keep you full for a long time in a balanced way.

Avoid white flour

Instead of foods with white flour, prefer whole grain bread, bulgur, and oats.

Cut down on sugary foods

Consume fresh or dried fruits instead of foods and drinks with added sugar. Take advantage of the blood sugar balancing properties of cinnamon spice.

Do not consume excessively fatty foods

Focus on sources of healthy fats and consume enough anti-inflammatory oils such as olive oil and oily seeds.

Keep physically active

Do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity endurance exercise per week.

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