Everything You Want to Know About Food Intolerances

The word tolerance means to tolerate, to endure, to put up. Intolerance, on the other hand, indicates the opposite of this concept, as might be expected. Food intolerance, which negatively affects the quality of life of many individuals, occurs due to a lack of certain enzymes in the body, and the inability to digest foods properly, that is, the inability to tolerate them. This can cause damage to the digestive system and create many problems throughout the body if left untreated.
“How do we know if we have a food intolerance?” “What are the differences between food intolerance and food allergy?” “Is it possible to treat food intolerance?” We discussed answers to all these questions with Dr Elif İnanç, Coordinator at the Infinity Regenerative Clinic Genetics and Stem Cell.
“Beware of the signs in your body”
Food allergy and food intolerance are two concepts that are often confused with one another but are quite different from each other. Dr Elif İnanç says, “While food intolerance is a digestive system response caused by food, food allergy is a reaction of the immune system. Both can cause severe problems in our lives unless treated, but food allergies can cause more serious autoimmune diseases if they are not noticed. At this point, it is critical for the individual to observe the symptoms occurring in their body. Stomach pain, heartburn in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness, diarrhoea, and bloating are among the most common symptoms pointing out to food intolerance.”
The body can tolerate a substance that usually causes intolerance when consumed in smaller portions but cannot tolerate it as the amount increases, and the effects of food intolerance can become unbearable. Dr Elif İnanç adds, “The most common food intolerance is undoubtedly lactose, gluten and caffeine. Individuals with lactose intolerance cannot digest lactose, a sugar found in milk. This causes all sorts of disturbing symptoms in their bodies. The situation is no different with gluten and caffeine.”
“It determines your quality of life.”
After clients notice the negative symptoms they experience in their bodies, they usually consult experts and undergo an intolerance test. Sometimes they are put on an elimination diet. These methods help determine to which foods people have an intolerance. Dr İnanç adds that the only treatment method for individuals with food intolerance is to remove these foods from their diet or to ensure that they consume them in minimal amounts so that the body can tolerate them. She continues her words, “If the food that causes intolerance is crucial for a healthy life, other foods that offer the same nutrition must be consumed. Individuals who discover food intolerance under the guidance of an expert continue to lead a high quality of life”.