The Significance of Nutrition and Sunlight in Acquiring Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that fortifies muscles, bones, and the immune system, promotes brain development, and lowers the risk of depression. Its deficiency can lead to several illnesses. Associate Professor in Internal Medicine and Nephrology, Dr. Enes Murat Atasoyu from Anadolu Medical Center explains the importance of vitamin D.
It is important to be aware that individuals who avoid sunlight, have milk allergies, follow a vegan diet, or have dark skin may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Enes Murat Atasoy emphasizes that this deficiency can lead to bone loss, low bone density, and an increased risk of bone fractures. In children, it can cause a condition called “rickets,” while in adults, it can result in “osteomalacia,” a bone disease.
It’s important to adjust the time spent in the sun based on your skin type, as explained by Associate Professor Dr. Enes Murat Atasoy. If you have fair skin, you may start turning pink after 30 minutes of sun exposure, so only 15 minutes is needed to get enough vitamin D3. However, if you have darker skin, you may need a longer exposure time to produce vitamin D. The amount of sun exposure required can also vary depending on your skin tone and the climate conditions.
Fatigue may indicate a deficiency in Vitamin D
Associate Professor Dr. Enes Murat Atasoyu stressed that there is no single symptom that is typical of a lack of Vitamin D. However, it is common for individuals to experience bone pain and fatigue. Dr. Atasoyu also noted that there may be cases with no symptoms present at all.
Excess intake of vitamin D can also lead to illness
It’s important to note that an excessive amount of vitamin D can also lead to health issues. Associate Professor Dr Atasoyu explains that when there’s an overload of vitamin D in the body, it can lead to hypercalcemia. This means that there’s too much calcium in the blood, which can result in various serious conditions such as loss of appetite, excessive urination, kidney failure, heart rhythm disorder, thirst, constipation, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and even coma. It’s just as important to be mindful of taking too much vitamin D as it is to ensure you’re getting enough of it.