Everything About Intermittent Fasting

It’s time to update the information about the popular nutrition trend of recent years, intermittent fasting! We have listed what you need to know about this system, which determines the time intervals of food intake.

Intermittent Fasting Models

16:8 Model: A type of diet that focuses on fasting for 16 hours and limits food consumption to 8 hours. According to this model, individuals can adjust the start and end times of intermittent fasting according to their lifestyles. For example, intermittent fasting can be continued between 19:00 and 11:00, with no food intake other than non-calorie beverages such as water, mineral water, unsweetened tea and coffee. The body has a regular and flawless working system in sync with the biological clock. This model of intermittent fasting also supports the circadian rhythm by creating a nutritional routine for individuals by taking the right food at the right time. The 16:8 intermittent fasting diet is the most preferred and sustainable model.

5:2 Model: In this model, individuals make their diet plans on a weekly basis. Individuals should consume the calories they need five days a week, and on the other two days, they should consume very low calories, following the 16:8 model. 

24:1 Model: It is a diet model that can be sustained with only calorie-free drinks for 24 hours once a week without any food intake. Starting from the last meal, no calorie intake for 24 hours once a week makes up this model. For the remaining six days, the regular diet program is followed.

The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Diet

Studies have concluded that intermittent fasting diets are better tolerated and more sustainable than low-calorie diets. Its ease of adapting to individuals’ lifestyles and the support of the circadian clock increase the success and sustainability of this diet model. Some studies have linked intermittent fasting dieters with a reduced risk of obesity and fatty liver disease since eliminating the night feeding cycle. 

It is believed that the advantages of an intermittent fasting diet are not limited to weight loss only. According to studies, all three models of intermittent fasting diet are associated with positive changes in individuals’ glucose, insulin, triglyceride and total cholesterol levels. Thus, having these parameters in the normal range may contribute to reducing the risks of some chronic diseases.

Due to the intermittent fasting model, the regularity of nutritional intake can also positively affect physical activity and sleep patterns.

Is Intermittent Fasting Diet Suitable for Everyone?

Intermittent fasting is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, those with organ failure, eating disorders and hypoglycemia. Obese, overweight or normal weight healthy individuals can follow these diet models. However, it is helpful to consult a nutritionist and a doctor before starting the diet.

Can all foods be consumed during the eating period?

The most important rule to follow in an intermittent fasting diet is not to consume unhealthy and fatty foods during the eating period. Packaged and processed foods, alcoholic beverages, deep-fried- highly fatty foods, high-sugar-high-carbohydrate foods and beverages should not be included in the diet program. You must follow a healthy diet of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. It is like a Mediterranean-type healthy nutrition program following a particular eating time.

Is intermittent fasting a healthy diet for weight loss?

Like all diet models, it would not be right to talk about the benefits and harms of this diet because the reliability and results of the studies are paramount in determining this. Many studies have been conducted on this diet model, but the data gathered are insufficient to discuss the results definitively. If you decide to apply it according to your lifestyle and under the control of a nutritionist, there is no harm in trying it. You can continue with the diet if you do not experience any health problems after the trial period.

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