7 Tips for Staying Healthy This Winter

Stating that colds, flu, Covid-19 infection and respiratory tract diseases spread rapidly in adults and children, Acıbadem Taksim Hospital Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialist Dr Yasemin Balbay shared tips to stay healthy and avoid winter infections.
Practice Proper Hygiene
Wearing a mask, paying attention to social distancing and following the hygiene rules are crucial to protect yourself and your loved ones during this season of respiratory infections.
Get Vaccinated
To prevent the spread of the disease in society and protect those in the risk group, Dr Yasemin Balbay recommends getting flu and Covid-19 shots every year according to the timelines and necessities deemed appropriate by the Ministry of Health.
Don’t neglect your sleep
Dr Yasemin Balbay emphasizes that adequate, good quality and regular sleep is one of the essential rules for strengthening immunity and increasing your defence power against diseases.
Ventilate the area for 5 minutes per hour
Dr Yasemin Balbay said, “We recommend that indoor spaces be ventilated for at least 5 minutes per hour. In addition, we should regulate the temperature of the house well and avoid the air being excessively dry.”
Dress in layers, wear a beanie
Balbay states that wearing layers instead of a single thick garment in cold weather provides better insulation and protection and provides balanced body heat maintenance.
Drink plenty of water, consume oranges, tangerines and pomegranates
Dr Balbay says, “You should eat foods rich in proteins and consume vegetables and fruits containing plenty of vitamins, especially oranges, tangerines and pomegranates rich in vitamin C.”
Dr Yasemin Balbay says, “Having a habit of regular exercising suitable for the age and physical performance strengthens the immune system increasing resistance against diseases.”