Misconceptions Known to be True About Gluten-Free Diet

Glutensiz Beslenmeye Dair Doğru Bilinen Yanlışlar

Nutrition and Diet Expert Hülya Yiğit, who emphasizes that the perception created in the media that gluten-free packaged products and gluten-free flours are healthy in recent years does not reflect the truth, says that this is more of a marketing strategy and most gluten-free products are made from processed flours.

“Gluten causes an allergic effect in the small intestines in celiac patients”

Gluten is a plant protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye. In celiac patients, gluten causes an allergic effect in the small intestines and disrupts the natural structure of the intestines. Gluten causes symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, headache in these individuals. Therefore, these patients follow a lifelong gluten-free diet.

Implementing a gluten-free diet is harder financially and socially than normal nutrition

Recent research shows that gluten-free diets can show positive results in autoimmune diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, autism, fibromyalgia. Under today’s conditions, implementing a gluten-free diet is more difficult financially and socially than normal nutrition. Because reaching healthy products requires extra effort. If you are following a gluten-free diet, consuming grains and legumes and their flours (such as chickpea flour) that are high in fiber content and naturally do not contain gluten like buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa instead of potatoes, rice, gluten-free flours will be much healthier.

Most gluten-free products are made from processed flours

The perception created in the media that gluten-free packaged products and gluten-free flours are healthy in recent years does not reflect the truth. This is more of a marketing strategy. Because most gluten-free products are made from processed flours. Gluten-free wheat flour is more processed compared to regular flours, it is poorer in B vitamins, folic acid and fiber. Moreover, their glycemic indices i.e., their speed of raising blood sugar is higher than white flour. In addition, more sugar and fat may be added to enhance the taste of gluten-free products. Therefore, labels should be carefully examined when buying these products.

Many people do gluten-free diets to lose weight

When gluten-free diets are applied for a long time; it can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies such as folic acid, B vitamin, calcium, iron, and blood sugar imbalances due to lack of fiber. We see that many individuals also follow gluten-free diets for weight loss. However, unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence showing that gluten-free diets lead to rapid weight loss. Of course, staying away from white flour and pastries containing gluten will always be effective in weight loss.

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