The Importance of Nutrition for the Immune System

Bağışıklık Sistemi İçin Beslenmenin Önemi

Doctor’s check-ups, correct use of medications and expert advices are as important as the diet in hematological treatments. So, what should you particularly pay attention to? Hematology Specialist Prof. Dr. Itır Şirinoğlu Demiriz touches on important points related to the subject.

Do not consume meat and dairy products together

In order not to disrupt iron absorption, meat products should not be consumed simultaneously with dairy products. Alongside your meat dishes; you can eat your salad consisting of green leafy products such as purslane, lamb’s ear, parsley, which you will prepare as a vitamin C bomb, by adding lemon and olive oil. You also need to think about your immune system. Therefore, you can definitely put walnuts, almonds or pistachios next to your coffee as a snack once a day. Red fruits should be your indispensable. Depending on the season, in the afternoon; you can consume raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and blueberries.

Balanced nutrition is important in hematological treatment

Eating balanced is very important in a hematological treatment. It is necessary to be prepared for the treatment and to live better during the treatment. Balanced and healthy eating is beneficial for our body for the protection of our mental and emotional health as well as physical activities like exercise.

Leafy foods for antioxidants

Leafy foods are rich in antioxidants and contribute greatly to us with their phytonutrient content. Other foods containing phytonutrients include blueberries, red grapes and eggplant.

Carbohydrates for energy

Carbohydrates are needed for energy; products such as whole wheat pasta, brown rice, whole wheat bread and potatoes make up one third of the meal.

Protein for cell development and damage repair

Foods containing protein are necessary for healthy cell development and damage repair; legumes, fish, meat (mainly turkey and chicken), dairy products, eggs, tofu (especially for vegetarians), products like quinoa should be consumed in small amounts in every meal to maintain muscle mass.

Vegetables and fruits for minerals and fibers

I recommend consuming as many fruits and vegetables as possible. They are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and fibers. Consuming fruits as they are is more beneficial than in juice form. Vegetables I recommend include; broccoli, cauliflower, apricot, nectarine, angelica plum.

Milk for bone health

We should also include milk and dairy products for our bone health; milk, yogurt, types of cheese are rich in calcium.

Fiber-rich foods for intestinal health

Fibers, which are very valuable for our intestinal health, can be obtained from whole wheat, fruit peels and raw edible vegetables within the scope of healthy eating. Fiber-rich foods such as unsalted hazelnuts, chia seeds, pineapple can be consumed alone or in combination in our meals.

Unsaturated fat should also be included in balanced and healthy eating. There are avocados, olive oil, cashews and walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, omega-3 rich fish within the scope of healthy fats known to reduce inflammation.

Water for a healthy body

Feeding our body with water throughout the day is also one of the very important factors. Our goal is to complete the day with 6-8 glasses of water. Although water and fluids can be considered equivalent, coffee and tea should not be included in this category. Carbonated drinks are not equivalent to water either. Fruits with high water content such as watermelon and grapes can also be consumed as snacks.

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